čtvrtek 14. července 2016

Destroyer 666 byli napadeni na Metal Magic Festival

9.července na dánském festivalu Metal Magic nedopadl koncertní set australských black/thrasherů Destroyer 666 zrovna dobře. Frontman skupiny K.K totiž v opilosti napadl fanoušky slovními narážkami, přičemž rozpoutal bitevní vřavu a potyčky mířené proti jeho osobě. Zpěvák a kytarista kapely se po sléze na facebooku Destroyer 666 omluvil, ovšem s tím, že to patří k rok and rollu. Níže podrobnější informace z Metalized Magazine, který celou událost zveřejnil.

Frontman K.K.began the show by shouting "Fuck you!" at the audience. He then proceeded to mock the Danish men who descended from Vikings saying something to the affect of "I live in a matriarchal culture. I feel sick of you."

The inciting got to such a point that a fan actually got up on stage and offered to fight K.K. Security escorted the fan off the stage quickly, and the rest of the band tried to calm Warslut down. When Warslut gets the mic again he says "I will fight. I don't care who it's with. I just want to fight."

Apparently, Warslut then got into it with a man wearing an antifa-mask. Antifa is short for anti-fascism. Warslut then insisted the man be thrown out and even dropped his guitar and offered to fight until band members and roadies calmed him down.

Shortly after, a fan threw a beer at Warslut, which he was not happy about and he called the crowd "pussies." One fan kept trying to hop on stage so often that he had to be ejected from the building. As the show concluded, Warslut told the audience "I cannot express how much I hate you," followed by "No, that's not true. I love you."

K.K. explained: "Danish friends, if you were offended by my rant at MM I get it. Obviously I was drunk but it's only rock n roll right? In the great old tradition of

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